Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cómo notificar a USCIS el cambio de dirección

El deber de notificar todos los cambios de direccià ³n al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) afecta prà ¡cticamente a todos los extranjeros presentes en Estados Unidos. En este artà ­culo se explica quià ©nes està ¡n obligados a notificar el cambio de domicilio, cà ³mo se hace y cuà ¡les son las consecuencias si se incumple con esa obligacià ³n. Finalmente, se explica cà ³mo notificar cambio de direccià ³n a una corte migratoria cuando se tiene un asunto pendiente. Extranjeros obligados a notificar cambio de direccin a USCIS La obligacià ³n de notificar el cambio de direccià ³n en el plazo de 10 dà ­as a contar desde que se hizo la mudanza aplica a todos los extranjeros presentes en Estados Unidos excepto: Diplomà ¡ticos con  visa ARepresentantes en organizaciones internaciones como la ONU o la OEA con  visa GTuristas que ingresaron sin visa por un tiempo no superior a los 30 dà ­as Ademà ¡s, y por razones evidentes, los migrantes indocumentados que NO tienen ningà ºn asunto pendiente con USCIS no està ¡n obligados ni deben notificar sus domicilios o mudanzas. Cmo se notifica el cambio de direccina USCIS La notificacià ³n de cambio de domicilio sigue tres reglas distintas segà ºn las caracterà ­sticas migratorias del extranjero. En primer lugar, las personas que tengan pendiente o recientemente aprobada una de las peticiones siguientes: Peticià ³n  I-360 para VAWA, viudos, inmigrantes especiales o amerasià ¡ticosPeticià ³n  I-914 para la visa T de và ­ctimas de trà ¡fico humanoPeticià ³n  I-918 para la visa U de và ­ctimas de violenciaPeticià ³n  I-765V para permiso de trabajo de cà ³nyuge abusado de no inmigrantePeticià ³n I-485 para ajuste de estatus SOLO caso de cà ³nyuge abusado en aplicacià ³n de Ley de Ajuste  Cubano. En todos esos casos mencionados, el extranjero debe llenar el formulario de papel AR-11 y enviarlo a: USCISVermont Service Center75 Lower Welden  StreetSt. Albans, VT 05479-0001 En segundo lugar, los extranjeros con casos pendientes que no està ¡n incluidos en el apartado anterior deben notificar a USCIS el cambio de domicilio y tambià ©n al centro local que està © tramitando su peticià ³n. Puede hacerse de dos maneras: Enviando a USCIS formulario de papel AR-11 y marcando al  1-800-375-5283. Son imprescindibles los dos pasos.Notificando online el cambio de direccià ³n. En este caso, solo es necesario un paso porque al acabar de llenar el formulario se puede elegir la opcià ³n de continuar para notificar al centro que està ¡ tramitando la peticià ³n pendiente. En tercer lugar, todos los extranjeros que no tienen ninguna peticià ³n pendiente con USCIS pueden notificar el cambio de domicilio online o por correo ordinario empleando la planilla AR-11, cualquier forma es và ¡lida pero solo se debe utilizar una. En el caso de estar presente en Estados Unidos con una visa de estudiante internacional tipo F-1 o una visa de intercambio J-1 —o la J-2 de dependientes— la notificacià ³n del cambio de direccià ³n  puede hacerse contactando con la oficina que lleva asuntos de visas en la institucià ³n que la solicità ³, generalmente es la Office of International Affairs, pero puede ser otra dependiendo de la institucià ³n. El cambio se harà ­a modificando los datos en el Sistema de Informacià ³n de Estudiantes y Visitantes de Intercambio  (SEVIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). La obligacià ³n debe cumplirse cada vez que el extranjero se mude. Cul es la penalidad por no notificar a USCIS el cambio de direccin? La ley dice que no cumplir con esa obligacià ³n es una falta (misdemeanor, en inglà ©s) que puede ser castigada con una multa de $200 y un mà ¡ximo de 30 dà ­as en prisià ³n. Ademà ¡s, es decisià ³n del USCIS si decide deportar a quien no ha cumplido con esta obligacià ³n. Para esto à ºltimo, y en el caso de los residentes permanentes legales, el USCIS tendrà ­a que poder demostrar que no se notificà ³ el cambio de domicilio de forma intencional y sin excusa. 2 consejos sobre cambio de direccin En primer lugar, si se està ¡ en Estados Unidos con una visa o se tiene una peticià ³n migratoria pendiente, es altamente recomendable guardar una copia de todos los avisos de cambio de domicilio que se le hacen a USCIS. Si se hace online en la pà ¡gina de USCIS se pueden guardar pantallazos de todas las pà ¡ginas cuando se està ¡ cubriendo el formulario.   En segundo lugar, si se està ¡ esperando la tarjeta de residencia, si es posible, trate de no mudarse hasta que tenga en mano la green card. El USCIS la envà ­a por correo y si llega a la direccià ³n antigua para recuperarla serà ¡ necesario llenar el formulario I-90 de reemplazo de tarjeta. Ademà ¡s, si el Servicio de Correos no se la devuelve a USCIS serà ¡ necesario no solo llenar el formulario   I-90, sino que tambià ©n habrà ¡ que pagar de nuevo la tarifa de $455, segà ºn las tasas actuales, mà ¡s $85 por la toma de datos biomà ©tricos. Cambio de direccincon Corte Migratoria Diferente a la obligacià ³n de notificar al USCIS es la de notificar a la Corte Migratoria y que afecta solo a los extranjeros en Estados Unidos que tienen un procedimiento pendiente ante Corte o ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones Migratorias (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este caso tiene  la obligacià ³n de notificar en un plazo de cinco dà ­as no solo el cambio de domicilio, sino tambià ©n el de nà ºmero de telà ©fono. Solo se admite realizar la notificacià ³n en un documento oficial de la Oficina Ejecutiva de Revisià ³n Migratoria (EOIR, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Una vez que se completan los datos, debe doblarlo y sellarlo siguiendo las instrucciones, ponerle un sello y enviarlo. Esta planilla se convierte en un sobre e incluye la direccià ³n del destinatario. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Inevitability Of Aging Is An Unstoppable Force

The inevitability of aging is an unstoppable force similar to nature’s infinite, kinetic power. While experiences galvanize the progression toward maturation, reflection and introspection also bring a sense of elevated knowledge to an individual. Therefore, memory infinitely creates concepts just as nature will grow unchecked if not tamed. Once More to the Lake written in 1941, E.B. White. His essay is easily readable, and his diction is simplistic. His descriptions and imagery include White s past and present memories. The narration is first person through the eyes and voice of the author. On the other hand, White s theme is more illusive. This retrospection allows the reader to slip behind the wall of time and memories to watch a son and father enjoy the America dream, a vacation.Reflecting on childhood memories, the author recalls a trip back to the place where he had spent summer vacations with his parents and siblings. This event, both pleasurable and melancholy, challenges White to look back at his relationship with his own father. Now that he has returned, White realizes that some things do not vary, and other things a person cannot stop from changing. He and his son stay in the same cabin near the same dock on the same lake as White had done in his childhood. Over and again, the author comments that there has been no years gone by. Apparently, he felt that he had traveled back in time; and though several decades had passed, everything was the same. Often,

Friday, December 13, 2019

Emirates Airline Penetrating the North American Market Free Essays

Emirates Airline is known for going against conventional thinking when running its business. Thus far, this strategy has been profitable for the company. In November 2001, the airline announced that it would begin a 13 ? non-stop flight from Dubai to New York starting in June of 2003. We will write a custom essay sample on Emirates Airline: Penetrating the North American Market or any similar topic only for you Order Now However a postponement in the delivery of the Airbus A380-800 aircraft that would service the new route has caused a delay. This will be Emirates’ attempt at penetrating the North American market. In the current politically charged climate there is debate as to whether or not it will be profitable to expand service to this new route from Dubai to New York. Tensions between Washington and the Arab world create restraints as to when Emirates will be able to expand service. However, the main question currently facing Emirates is whether it should expand to New York at this point in time. Unlike many other airlines, Emirates sees no threat surrounding the tensions in the Middle East. The climate has been this politically charged for the past ten years. In fact, during the first Gulf War in 1991, Emirates Airlines was the only airline that did not cancel any of its flights. They continued flying to Kuwait when a majority of its competitors stopped. Emirates continued business as usual and picked up additional business from those airlines that downsized and stopped flights in the region. This strategy exemplifies how Emirates has gone against conventional thinking and come out ahead. Country Risk Analysis Middle East Region Overview The Middle Eastern region is characterized by economies that are over-dependent on oil; however, they differ on size, wealth, and political agendas. A few of the key players in this region include: Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. Of these countries, the United Arab Emirates is quite comparable in many aspects to its neighbors. The UAE and Qatar are not expected to suffer from as much government instability in the threat of war as the other countries. Iran and Iraq, however, have had their share of political unrest, which has drastically affected their oil exports and prices. To counterattack these effects, Iraq has put pressure on the other OPEC countries to increase oil prices and decrease oil exports to the US and Great Britain. As a result, the GDP of all Middle Eastern countries will decrease due to the heavy reliance of oil revenues in exports and as a percentage of GDP. While oil is what makes these countries wealthy, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar enjoy higher GDP per capita over Iraq because of their political situations. Dictatorial governments in Iraq allocate funds to programs that will not necessarily aid the country in the long-run. Literacy rates of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, and the UAE have increased steadily over the past decade. This is mostly owed to government beliefs that educated citizens will 3 augment the status of the country in all aspects. All five countries export to and import from similar countries including; Japan, Italy, China and the US. The main export for these countries is oil and the main imports are machinery and equipment, chemicals and food. United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is located in the Middle East between Oman and Saudi Arabia, bordering the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. The country is slightly smaller than the state of Maine, which makes it a very small country within the Middle East region. The population of the UAE is approximately 3,480,000 people. The literacy rate for the UAE is 79. 2% for the total population above 15 years. When categorized by sex, men and women have comparable literacy rates, a rarity in the Middle East region. The population is predominantly Muslim (96%), with the remaining 4% of the population consists of Christians, Hindus and others. Although Arabic is the official language of the country, Persian, English, Hindi and Urdu are also spoken. The UAE is a federation state formed on December 2, 1971 and is composed of seven emirates. The emirates included in the UAE are Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ras AlKhaimah, and Umm Al-Qaiwain. Prior to the formation of the federation state, the UAE existed as the Trucial States that belonged to the British for the previous 150 years. The Rulers and the British signed a Perpetual Treaty of Maritime Truce in the 1850s that guarantees peace and protection from external threats. In exchange, the British had direct involvement in its foreign affairs and external defenses. When the British intended to withdraw from the Gulf in 1968, the rulers of the seven emirates came together and formed the federation state with hopes to increase their role in global politics. Economic Environment United Arab Emirates’ economy is heavily dependent on oil production. Abu Dhabi is the largest producer, followed by Dubai, and to a much lesser extent, the remaining emirates. Although oil’s contribution to GDP has been declining in the past few years, government revenue and the non-oil economy continue to be heavily reliant. GDP for the year ending 2001 was 67. 6(US$bn) and 21,000(US$bn) per capita, and 70% of government revenue resulted from oil production. Fluctuations in oil prices impact the growth and volatility of the UAE’s economy. The UAE is a member of the WTO, but has been slow to comply with its requirements for liberalizing trade and competition. The banking sector is closed to foreign investment and other ventures must be 51% owned by a local partner. The exceptions to these rules are in free zones, where 100% foreign ownership is permitted. The limitations on foreign direct investment deter the process of economic diversification. Abu Dhabi is the most resistant to opening its economy, but it has pursued private sector involvement to improve infrastructure regarding water and power. Dubai has chosen to focus its efforts on expanding its services sector by creating Dubai Internet City (DIC) and Dubai Media City (DMC), which are free zones where investors can retain 100% ownership. Dubai also allows foreign investors to own property and purchase shares in UAE listed companies. The UAE typically runs a budget deficit, and the 2002 budget projects one of Dh2. 17bn. Federal spending is expected to increase by 2. 2%, and revenue is expected to grow by 3%. Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the UAE Central Bank are the main contributors to the federal budget. How to cite Emirates Airline: Penetrating the North American Market, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

How Religion Affects Society free essay sample

More generally, social scientists are discovering the continuing power of religion to protect the family from the forces that would tear it down. 13 Professor Bergins summary was echoed two years later by nationally syndicated columnist William Raspberry: Almost every commentator on the current scene bemoans the increase of violence, lowered ethical standards and loss of civility that mark American society. Is the decline of religious influence part of what is happening to us? Is it not Just possible that anti-religious bias masquerading as religious neutrality is costing more than we have been willing to acknowledge? 14 Other reviewsl 5 also list the positive effects of religious belief and practice in reducing uch problems as suicide, substance abuse, divorce, and marital dissatisfaction. Such evidence indicates clearly that religious practice contributes significantly to the quality of American life. Given this evidence, Congress should: Begin a new national debate to help renew the role of religion in American life; Ask the General Accounting Office (GAO) to review the evidence on the beneficial effects of religious practice in the relevant social science literature and report its findings to a national commission formed to promote the consideration of religious Fund federal experiments with school choice that ractice among U. We will write a custom essay sample on How Religion Affects Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page S. citizens; include religiously affiliated schools; Pass a sense-of-the-congress resolution that data on religious practice are useful for policymakers and researchers as part of the public policy debate; and Mandate a census question on religious practice. It religious practice in America. The President should: Appoint Judges who are more sensitive to the role of religion in public life, with the Senate ensuring that such is the case by ascertaining the stand of Judges on matters of religion and its relationship to the Constitution; Direct the Bureau of he Census to record levels of religious practice in the census for the year 2000 (time is running out for preparation of the census questionnaire); and Issue a directive to all federal agencies making clear that cooperation between government entities and the social, medical, and educational services of faith-based organizations does not violate separation of church and state. The U. S. Supreme Court should: Review the decisions in which it has changed the laws of the land by changing commonly held beliefs regarding the Constitution and religion and send to Congress hose that should have been the object of legislative action rather than Judicial reinterpretation. Americas religious leaders should: Be much more assertive in emphasizing the contribution of religion to the health of the nation and in resisting efforts to minimize religion in public discourse; Make clear to their congregations that they are contributing not only to their own welfare, but also to the well-being of the nation by their regular attendance at religious worship; Take special care of the religious formation of children, especially during the transition period from childhood to adolescence, when they are ost likely to lose their religious faith; Recognize that the church in the inner city, especially the black church, has a vital role to play in helping its people escape from the degrading culture of inner-city poverty;